Why a site dedicated to minimalist travel??
A few reasons actually, some selfless and some (admittedly) selfish; and while I don't think anyone really cares why I built this site.. sometimes I just need to journal it out for myself.. :)
I was truly inspired by the "true" minimalist I met in Thailand, he had no worries and it really blew me away, and I think his perspective is worth sharing - check out The True Minimalist.
I believe that if people recognize how little they actually need, how simple life can be, how stuff can weigh you down without realizing it, and how all the important things in life are free... the world might just be a better place.. that freedom from worry could translate into creative pursuits, more human connection, a healthier environment, etc... there are many, many potential benefits of minimalist travel, and I think it's worth sharing - check out The Benefits of Minimalist Travel.
I'm a technologist and gadget junky at the core, and while the story above was extremely inspirational and eye-opening, I still love finding tools and methods that can make travel easier and more enjoyable.. it's a balancing act and a challenge, and who doesn't love a good challenge? Check out The Hypocrisy for a glimpse into my conflicted soul.
It feeds my creative side, thinking about where we're at and what we're capable of today in terms of minimalist travel, thinking about what the future will hold, how travel will be different in 5, 10 or 15 years, and what tools or products could be developed to make travel easier for everyone - check out The Future of Work and Travel.
I'm truly just curious if I'm a weirdo for being obsessed with this concept.. are there other travelers out here trying to do the same thing? Could we build a community of like-minded travelers that are always looking for ways to make travel easier?
Lastly, minimalist or not, I think travel makes us better people, it's a way for us to connect with different cultures, different ways of life, different belief systems; and ultimately, finding commonality between us, despite our wildly different circumstances and upbringing; and the more exposure we get to alternative ways of thinking, the better off we are as a collective..
The point of this site isn't to tell people how to pack, what to pack or how to travel; instead, my hope is to..
Give some insight into minimalism in general, why it's important, how it can change your perspective, and how it may potentially benefit your life..
Help people understand the realities of minimalist travel; the pros, the cons, the benefits and the limitations of packing the bare minimum..
Share my experiences on the road, as examples of what you may run into and may want to prepare for before your trip..
Share how I pack and what I pack, in the hopes that it will give you some idea of what's possible, and potentially help you define your list of essentials..
Share new tools, products, toys, gear, methods and anything else I find that can make travel easier and more accessible to more people..
Provide ideas, options and alternatives to help minimize your pack..
Ultimately, I want people to know how easy it is to travel, how little you actually need to travel and how much inherent freedom you already have to go almost anywhere in the world with just the clothes on your back, despite our preconceived notions of what's "necessary" in today's modern world- in the hopes that it encourages more people to travel.
